My Life Unleashed

Services: High Quality Dog Training

Professional Trainers: Experience You Can Trust

Service Dog Training: Tasking for Success

Emotional Support Animal Training: Companionship

Animal Assisted Therapy: Help from a Friend

Trained Program Service Dogs: Looking for Forever Homes

Are you ready to feel empowered? Unleash your potential!
My Life Unleashed specializes in service dog training and animal-assisted therapy. We believe in enabling people to enrich their lives with the help of highly trained, specialized dogs.

Contact Us now to get help…
- Finding the right service dog, therapy dog, or emotional-support dog to suit your needs
- Training or evaluating a service dog, therapy dog, or emotional-support dog
- Identifying tasks a service dog can do to help empower you
- Navigating life as part of a service dog team
- Advocating for your rights as a person with a disability owning a service dog
- Getting support in your journey from a licensed mental health provider
Choose to hire the service that is best for you.
We are the choice to help you unleash your best life!
Wondering what a service dog can do for you? Learn about it in this video!

Discover what a highly trained canine can do for you today! Unleash Your Best Life!

(formerly “Stitch”)
a.k.a “Tim Du Val Du Bois To Infinity and Beyond”
BN, CGC, CCGA, CGCU – Multipurpose Service Dog in Training

Scroll right or click on the links to learn more about how I can help you Unleash your life in the links
If you scroll through the feed on our business page, you’ll find tons of “Buzz” content (also under the name, “Stitch”). This particular video collection contains various short clips from throughout Buzz’s program – but upon further searching, you can also find videos from flights, theme park trips, public access training, CGC testing, and more. I’m also happy to send more specific content, as well as any proof of health or temperament testing, upon request.
If you or someone you know wants to Unleash their lives with the help of this amazing canine, please Contact Us Now.
Please scroll down for additional content!
A’Tim du Val du Bois To Infinity and Beyond BN CGCA CGCU “Buzz” is a 2 year old (DOB: 08/10/22), 75 pound Belgian Malinois from a health and temperament conscious breeding and out of titled working lines. I purchased Buzz as a young puppy, from where he was originally intended to compete in ringsport. However, Buzz does not possess the temperament necessary to perform well in protection. While he is incredibly confident and loves to work, he is not your typical drivey Malinois and has demonstrated that he will likely lose interest with too much pressure from a decoy. Buzz does, however, meet the temperament we look for in an MLU Service Dog.
To be clear, this is not a protection-trained dog that has been flipped into becoming a Service Dog. It was determined as a young puppy that heading into the direction of protection sports would not be a good fit for Buzz, and as a result, he was successfully admitted into our Service Dog Program.
Buzz was previously matched – however, upon transition, it was quickly determined that this was not going to be the right placement.
Buzz has completed MLU’s Service Dog Program in all 5 phases, including obedience, public access, and individualized task training. He has a strong working foundation that once he is matched, will be uniquely customized toward his Handler’s needs. As Buzz’s Trainer, I will continue to work with his Handler in order to successfully transition him and all he has learned.
Buzz is the type of dog who devotes 100% of himself to his Handler. However, he will not give his devotion freely to someone new without having had the opportunity to form a trusted relationship – doing so means taking the time to provide him with clear structure and communication. Once Buzz understands that there are rules and boundaries, he will begin to form a bond with his Handler and will then willingly follow their lead, and further become uniquely in tune to their needs.
Given his breed, Buzz would benefit from a Handler who can detect if and when he is becoming overly-aroused, in order to bring his energy level back down when necessary. With proper handling, Buzz maintains a very balanced pace and is easy to handle while on duty, as can be observed in his videos.
Buzz embodies the stability of a high level working dog without the added intensity. I consider him to be incredibly safe, trusting, and social – he is quick to make friends with any person or dog he is introduced to. However, the bond he creates with his Handler is deep and simply stated, “one-of-a-kind”. He will literally keep tabs on his person while both on and off duty. Quite frankly, the way he stares at me when he is working is as if we are having a silent conversation. His work is also very relationship-driven – the more he loves his person, the harder he wants to work for them. I do not believe there will soon, if not ever, be another dog like him to successfully run through MLU’s program – he is just that special.
Due to his breed and work drive, I have had Buzz evaluated by multiple Trainers, as well as throughout various scenarios. In addition, he has been handled by numerous people throughout his program to ensure that nothing is missed when it comes to obtaining a thorough evaluation of Buzz’s temperament.
For more information about this amazing canine, please Contact Us Now.
Buzz obtained OFA clearances in cardiac, eyes, and preliminary hips (rated “good” at 1 year old) and elbows. He holds a clean medical record – including being clear of any prominent or recurring health issues. He does appear to have a skin sensitivity to chicken, which has been easily managed thus far, and he is currently eating Inukshuk Marine 16.
He has been conditioned to a DogPacer treadmill and his current regimen includes 2.5 miles 3x per week to aid toward his working endurance.
Buzz has been conditioned to using a DogPacer (dog treadmill).
For more information about this amazing canine, please Contact Us Now.
Buzz thoroughly meets the temperament standards to be a successful MLU Program Service Dog. He loves to work, is naturally handler-focused, appropriately social and aware of his environment, recovers quickly and easily, and is pushy in all the right ways.
He is not possessive with food, chews, or toys while on his cot or in his crate, neither with people or other dogs. Although his tug drive is comparable to that of a Golden Retriever, he will require some early structure with his new Handler when it comes to toy-based interactions – however, this is very easily instilled with clear communication and a positive relationship. He is not “cuckoo-eyed” for a ball or tug, as you would expect most working Malinois to be. Nevertheless, he is quite playful in his body language and thrives with any type of engagement from his Handler – even just petting or praise.
Buzz has a happy-go-lucky demeanor, a conditioned on/off switch, and yearns to engage with his Handler. He easily works in any environment or through any challenge presented in front of him, yet is soft enough to readily adjust his behavior when communicated. He is collected and thoughtful while working, not disrupted by outside stimuli, and will quite literally do anything for his person without a second thought.
While off duty, Buzz can at times be silly and energetic, although he channels it very easily when prompted. When on-duty, he is typically very balanced and collected.
Much like a typical Malinois, Buzz would love to live inside his Handler’s skin. He might nudge his Handler with his nose (a trained behavior) or push his body into theirs for cuddles. In addition, he gives the best Deep Pressure Therapy I have personally ever experienced due to his natural drive to calmly push into pressure. Occasionally, he will act before he thinks (he is a young Malinois, after all) – but for the most part, he is quite thoughtful. With consistent leadership, he will stop and collect himself before moving forward, and his impulse control will of course continue to improve with maturity.
Buzz is very biddable (medium to high food/low to medium toy drive), and catches on to learning new concepts quickly. As far as tug goes, he will engage, but will typically become disinterested after a few minutes. He is not “cookoo eyed” for a ball or tug, as you’d expect a typical Malinois to be. Nevrtheless, he is playful and enjoys any type of engagement with his handler.
As part of Buzz’s training program, he has been extensively socialized throughout a variety of environments and situations. Restaurants, malls, urban environments, traveling on flights, and even walking through Disney World have become normalized events for him. He enjoys both old and new experiences, such as hiking, kayaking, and road trips. I am also confident in his off-leash obedience and handling him around my horses, chickens, and cat.
While Buzz is very relationship-driven, he also understands how to be alone at times – he will not try to escape a closed room, bark to be let out, etc. He is comfortable being in a crate or laying in his bed for any period of time, and is used to being flexible with his freedom and sharing it with other dogs in the house. He is trained to accept grooming and vet visits, is calm while being bathed, and confident standing on a grooming table or being restrained if needed. My vets love him, and have had nothing to say besides how sweet he is.
For more information about this amazing canine, please Contact Us Now.
Buzz is happy to follow me freely while at home, has appropriate house manners, and has been taught not to get on furniture unless invited. If his cot is nearby, he will often go to it on his own accord to rest. He has developed a conditioned off-switch while he’s in Place, and will generally relax and shut his mind off while laying on his cot – even with multiple stimuli surrounding him. Despite whether the other dogs are walking around, the TV is on, he is unable to see me because I am in another room, people (he knows or doesn’t know) are walking in and out of the front door, etc, Buzz will stay calm and collected without barking or becoming over-stimulated.
For more information about this amazing canine, please Contact Us Now.
Buzz loves to be out and about! He does not startle easily and even as a young puppy, would recover extremely quickly from any scenario he found slightly odd. I find him to be appropriately aware of his environment – he can at times be observant, but readily remains focused on his Handler. Throughout his program, he has been brought into some unusual environments, and has taken to every new and/or odd situation with confidence and ease. He is extremely reliable with his obedience in public and walks beautifully by his Handler’s side at all times, including through malls, grocery stores, theme parks, and movie theaters. He ignores distractions without prompting, and will settle quickly and easily while on the job.
Buzz travels perfectly in the car, whether on the passenger seat floor or in a crate. He also has flown close to a dozen times, and been on multiple rides at Disney World and Universal Studios.
Buzz is ECollar conditioned and responds efficiently to any leash and/or collar pressure. I often will work him on a flat collar, and he is extremely receptive and remains focused, despite the type of tool worn or whether or not I am carrying food. To top it off, he also completed his AKC Beginner Novice title in Obedience with very consistent high scores and two out of his three legs with 1st placements (third leg was a 2nd placement). During his trials, Buzz competed with a high level of distractions and neither treats, tools, secondary commands, or verbal corrections are allowed into the ring.
For more information about this amazing canine, please Contact Us Now.
Buzz’s previous task training program consisted of a series of mobility and medical alert/response tasks ranging from retrieval, forward momentum pull, opening and holding doors, as well as interrupting dissociative episodes and nightmares.
Due to his size, he could continue to do well in mobility (he has clear OFA hips and elbows).
Due to his diverse skill set and temperament, he would also thrive in just about any job so long as he is being worked consistently. He is the type of dog who is ready to work at any given moment, yet still has the capability to spend the day as a couch potato.
For more information about this amazing canine, please Contact Us Now.
My wish is for Buzz to be placed as a Service Dog where part of his skills will be used on a daily basis. He needs a Handler who will take the time to bond with him, and keep his mind active on a routine basis. He does not need rigorous daily exercise, but still has the mental stamina and drive to work routinely. Due to his size and ability to perform a diverse range of behaviors, Buzz can successfully go into nearly any type of Service Dog work, including Medical Alert and Response or Mobility.
I am fairly open with his placement, so long as he has a Handler who understands his genetic needs and how to fulfill them. If desired, Buzz has the temperament to excel in any team-based sport, such as Rally, Obedience, Herding, or Scentwork. With that said, Buzz needs a Handler that can be firm when needed, but fair and patient with their communication – as he will identify an opportunity to push the boundaries and is clever enough to know when his direction lacks consistency. He will likely test the waters a little during the first week of his transition, but once he has had time to form a trusted bond with his Handler, he will become quite willing – and is generally an easy dog to live with. I am not a stickler on him having a Malinois-experienced Handler, but I would like to see him matched with someone who has taken the time to truly research and understand his breed. I am in no rush to place him either. He will live and work with me until the right placement is found, will stay genetically-fulfilled, and I will not allow him to get bounced around from home to home.
For more information about this amazing canine, please Contact Us Now.
Buzz is an MLU Program Service Dog, and will come with a Buyer’s Contract, as well as a health and training guarantee.
Buzz is neutered, has multiple passing OFA (Orthopedic Foundation for Animals) health scores, flown many times in a plane, and has accomplished multiple working titles, including the AKC (American Kennel Club) Canine Good Citizen, Canine Good Citizen-Advanced, and Canine Good Citizen-Urban titles, as well as three passing legs in AKC Beginner Novice Obedience with consistently high scores and two first-placements. He is capable of performing work as a task-trained Service Dog as defined by the ADA, and will receive continued guidance once he is placed and for the entirety of his working life.
Our Program Dogs range in the lower $XX,XXX ballpark, and rates are dependent on each program and level of task-training – with payment plans available. We’ve successfully trained and placed multiple Service Dogs throughout the US.
For more information about this amazing canine, please Contact Us Now.
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Assistance that meets and respects where you are and helps you unleash your potential so that you can reach your goals.

Receive from individualized attention and support directly from your trainer throughout your journey.

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My LIfe Unleashed is the answer you are looking for to unleash your best life!

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Read on testimonials of service dog handlers, learn about our podcast episodes, access mental health support and animal assisted therapy resources, and gain information about training of service dogs, therapy dogs, and emotional support dogs.
We are eager for you to join our My Life Unleashed family.
We specialize in training service dogs protected by the Americans with Disabilities Act from many specialties, including: Autism Support, Guide Work, Hearing Aid, Medical Alert and Response, Mobility Assistance, Psychiatric Support, Multipurpose. We are experts in many aspects of the process, including dog procurement and evaluation, needs assessments
and training for service tasks, puppy and obedience training, socialization and public access, skill testing, handler coaching, and rights advocacy. For this and more, Contact Us Now!
A very special feature of our services is the ability to hire a dog trainer who is also a certified mental health provider. We provide therapy and counseling services in isolation or coupled with canine training services. This unique benefit of working with us can uniquely empower you to deal with challenges and unleash your life. Contact Us Now!
We can help train amazing therapy animals. Contact Us now if you are a therapist looking to unleash canine powers in your practice or someone interested in volunteering with your dog to provide socio-emotional or mental health support to others.
Unlike service animals that help people with disabilities, emotional support animals do not have the same level of legal protections . However, an emotional support animal can provide important assistance to people dealing with mental health challenges. Contact Us Now if you want this in your life.
Want to learn more about the services we offer in a variety of modalities and pricing ranges?
Scroll sideways or click on the links below to learn more about the different types of program options you can purchase!
Due to highly customized nature of our services timing and pricing of programs varies depending on the needs of each client.
We work with each team to make sure to help our clients reach the life they seek to unleash.

For more information about how we can help you Unleash your Life, please
Contact Us Now.
We offer in person dog training and animal-assisted therapy services for people in the Pikes Peak region of the Colorado Front Range (El Paso and Teller Counties).5
We meet with clients by appointment at our training facility located at 213 Aspen Garden Way #3. Woodland Park, CO – 80863.
Dog training services are also provided at local destinations for public access training or other special training needs (travel fees may apply).
Our clients can pay per session, purchase packages, or sign up for a monthly subscription service. Due to the highly customized nature of our in person services, please Contact Us for more information about timelines, offers, and pricing.
We offer virtual/remote sessions via zoom platform for service dog task training support. These sessions can be booked by clients anywhere in the world.
Our clients can pay per session, purchase packages, or sign up for a monthly subscription service. Due to the highly customized nature of our services please Contact Us for more information about timelines, offers, and pricing.

We offer board and train services for clients with dog training needs. We specialize in obedience, socialization, and task training of service dogs .
Ask us about supplies that may be included or purchased as part of the training experience!
Short term and long term boarding options without training may also be available for established clients.
Prices and duration vary depending on number and complexity of tasks and time of stay. Due to the highly customized nature of our services please Contact Us for more information about timelines, offers, and pricing.

We train and sell partially or fully trained service dogs. Our program lasts between one and two years depending on depth of training.
Dogs under contract can receive customized training for the client. Trained service dogs contracts often include support sessions after training is completed.
Ask us about supplies that may be included or purchased as part of the training experience!
Prices and duration of training vary depending on number and complexity of tasks. Timing also depends on program dog availability at the time of inquiry and any potential waiting list. For information about program dogs currently available for sale, visit our Sales Page.
My Life Unleashed trainers occasionally host training seminars, often in collaboration with other service providers nationwide. These training seminars address multiple aspects of service dog training and are designed to benefit both handlers and dog trainers alike. There are usually both audit and working spots available.
We advertise upcoming scheduled seminars in our Sales Page. and in our Unleashed Blog.
If you do not see an upcoming seminar but are interested in inviting one of our trainers to host one in your area, Contact Us directly at info@mylifeunleashed.biz.

We also have some demo videos and podcasts posted free of charge to our Youtube Channel.
You can help support our mission by signing up to be a Patreon and sharing it with others. You can also like, subscribe, comment on and share videos posted in our Social Media Channels listed below.

- Our fully trained program dogs can be delivered anywhere in the United States.
- We can also help anyone seeking support through our individualized online task training lessons and Patreon video lessons.
- We accept dogs for board and train programs from anywhere in the nation (transportation costs may apply).
- We consult with clients looking for service dog training advice from anywhere
Contact Us from wherever you are if you need help with a service dog. If we cannot help you, we have a large community of clients, service dog trainers, dog rescues, and service dog breeders that we can refer you to.
- Our training facility is in Woodland Park, CO
- Our PACFA certified board and train facility is in Divide, CO
- We serve clients through out-call in-person sessions primarily in the following Colorado Front Range areas:
- Teller County (Florissant, Divide, Woodland Park, Cripple Creek)
- El Paso County (Colorado Springs, Monument, Manitou Springs, Black Forest, Fountain)
- Denver Metropolitan Area (travel fees may apply)
Contact Us if you live outside these areas and would like to arrange for a in-person session or training day (travel fees may apply)
Follow Our Blog to learn more about our work and training philosophy, access information more about mental health and service dog training topics, and meet other amazing service dog teams!
Follow Our Blog to learn more about our work and training philosophy, access information more about mental health and service dog training topics, and meet other amazing service dog teams!

August 22nd, 2018 by Lisa Lima
Beyond Psychotherapy:
A Unique Approach to Living your Life Unleashed
Therapy, Dog Training

October 22nd, 2018 by Lisa Lima
How to Know When You Need it
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September 9th, 2018 by Lisa Lima
World Suicide Prevention Day: There is Help!
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September 9th, 2018 by Lisa Lima
Animal Assisted Therapy: Colorado Springs-Area Therapist uses Horses and Dogs to Break the Ice with Patients

November 14th, 2018 by Lisa Lima
Finding Love Through Animal-Assisted Therapy

August 27th, 2021 by Lisa Lima
3 Day Service Dog Seminar in Orlando:
Oct 22-24, 2021
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November 7th, 2022 by Lisa Lima
Polishing Up a Few Transitions:
Some things I want him to understand here are…
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April 23rd, 2023 by Lisa Lima
Colorado Springs
is a beautiful city to have a dog……
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July 24th, 2023 by Lisa Lima
My Life Unleashed,
serves the Colorado Springs, CO area…
Service dog training

January 19th, 2024 by Jeff Lima
Service Animals vs. Emotional Support Animals: : Comparing helpful canines
Service dog training, emotional support animal training, mental health
Lisa and Luminary Service Dogs gave us such an incredible gift. When my 16-year-old son Cyrus broke his neck in a skiing accident, he was introduced to service dogs while in rehab for quadriplegia at Craig Hospital in Denver. He and a new friend, also recently injured from a head first dive, spoke together of how much they wanted to have dogs. The joy of a relationship with a dog was a simple dream for these recently injured teens, however, the wait to get a service dog is often 3 years after injury, after time on a wait list, and the fully trained dog is usually 30 months old when it arrives to be of service to wheelchair users… [More]
A wonderful client of mine made the decision to adopt Sparrow, and upon doing so, decided that she wanted the best possible start for her. So she asked me to put Sparrow into a long term boarding program, and to work with her for as long as I felt she needed in order to gain the confidence necessary to become a happy and obedient pet… [More]
Lisa employs a balanced training style, a perfect fit for Harbor, my Newfoundland/Komondor mix. Not reliably food motivated, Harbor loves to work and help however possible. As a hybrid livestock guardian and water rescue dog, Harbor thinks creatively for himself, solving problems as a partnership with people at best and as an independent if he believes necessary. To successfully acquire skills, Harbor needs both positive reinforcement and clear boundaries, both of which Lisa provides excellently, conveying confines without a heavy hand. She’s talented and intuitive with dogs, but also refined.. [More]
Siri is my star. She lights my path in the dark. Knowing she is there enables me to navigate life in private and in public spaces in ways I would not be able to anymore. Unfortunately I am dealing with disabilities on multiple fronts. Fortunately, Siri is a multi-purpose service dog. She does psychiatric, autism, and medical alert and response tasks… [More]
After more than a year of weekly psychiatric appointments and different medications to treat my challenges with C-PTSD, my treatment team recommended looking into a Psychiatric Service Dog to help mitigate my symptoms. By happenstance, the owner of Penny Lane Australian Labradoodles mentioned MLU had a Program Service Dog ready for placement, but she might be too small for crowd control work. An internet search of Star’s bio listed all the qualities I was looking for in a PSD. Once I met Star, we bonded very quickly, and I know from day one we would make a great working team. Training with Lisa and Star in preparation for the transition of handling Star was seamless and rewarding…. [More]
Unleash your best life by becoming the leader of an amazing service dog team!

One BIG thing I want to share was when Lisa met me at Tractor Supply for a private session. My goal at the time was to walk through tractor supply without being drug down the isles. Lisa showed me what I need to do to get the behavior I want from my dog. Things clicked and there I was walking around the store with Abby by my side. It was an empowering moment for me and now Abby gets to go shopping where dogs are welcome.
We will continue to attend various classes. A happy dog is one that knows what you want from them.

Not only is Lisa excellent as a professional, she’s also just good people. She’s kind, embracing people and their dogs with warmth. She’s respectful and treats people with dignity, assuming competence. She attends to folks with both deference and clarity. Lisa is generous. Setting people and dogs up for success with everything in her power, she sent Harbor home with all the physical and informational resources he and I needed to succeed as a team, asking for nothing in return. Caring and driven, pleasant, personable, professional and a joy to work with, Lisa is worth her weight in gold.

Siri… She is happy to work and do so well in spite of me. Her training is impeccable and state of the art. I have seen my wife train dogs for almost a decade now. She has done it for longer, but I have witnessed first hand for that long and thought I knew what she can do. However, I never knew a dog could be this well trained and useful until Siri started helping me recently. I struggle to be a good handler. Lisa helped me with that too. The fact that Lisa has experience as both a trainer and mental health provider makes her uniquely qualified to work with people in my situation. I am very lucky to have her as a wife. Raise that to the unleashed power of having her as a trainer and I am the luckiest man alive. While conflicts of interest prevent her from also being my therapist, I would hire her if I could! For sure, I cannot think of another no another person I would rather have my service dog trained by. The best testament of Lisa as a trainer are the results you see in her clients and the dogs that serve them. If you ever get to meet Siri, you will see what I am talking about. Just SIRIously the best service one could hope for.

We were so lucky to find an opening with Lisa. Lisa has been an ongoing support in the weeks afterward to address any questions that have arisen. Chela has continued to prove herself more than capable of accompanying Cyrus through his life… She is capable of performing tasks related to his needs, such as pushing buttons and retrieving dropped objects, as well as being totally comfortable in any public access situations, obediently remaining alongside of Cyrus or in whatever place he commands while he faces the complexities of spinal cord rehab, college, and late adolescence…The reassurance of a well-trained dog has been a priceless gift for my son, whose life was devastated unexpectedly, and he is receiving more than we ever hoped by having a dog… To be in a position of being able to successfully direct an animal offers him the psychological strength to realize that, with support from people like Lisa, he can regain aspects of the power and control he needs to live a live worth living. Already,.. he is actively realizing personal dreams for himself, such as his simple hope to have his own dog…
I highly recommend…, which offers an effective, capable and well-developed approach. Thanks so much for everything Lisa!

Our first priority was to instill confidence in Gus so that he would not be crippled by his trauma. Then, he was in critical need of developing social skills while learning basic obedience.
Lisa, with great patience, taught Gus and I how to communicate effectively, so his eagerness to play and to please became the platform for exceptional skill development. Now, thanks to her commitment and investment, Gus is well on his way to becoming a happy, healthy therapy dog. Perhaps when his training is complete, Gus’s story of overcoming and resilience will inspire others to recognize that they are not defined by trauma but rather equipped by it.

Placed in Colorado
Siri, Border Collie Mix
MULTIPURPOSE: Autism Support, Psychiatric, Medical Alert & Response

Placed in Colorado
Star, Australian Labradoodle
Psychiatric Service Dog

Placed in Colorado
Oreo, Standard Poodle
Medical Support

Placed in Arkansas
Opihi, Standard Poodle
MULTIPURPOSE: Psychiatric & Medical Alert Service Dog

Placed in Colorado
Bubbles, Labrador Retriever
MULTIPURPOSE: Psychiatric & Mobility